Have you already enlisted the help of professional RCM and medical billing services? Or are you considering taking this step for your medical practice? Either way, there are important questions you need to ask your medical billing service to ensure they’re the right fit for your practice. In this post, we’ll tell you what these questions are as well as RevStream’s answers to those very questions.

5 Questions to Ask Your Medical Billing Service

How much experience do you have?

The team at RevStream has more than 20 years of combined high-level experience in the Department of Labor revenue cycle. As such, our co-founders (Johnette Thomas and Lauren Eggleston) have firsthand knowledge of industry trends and an invaluable RCM toolbox they eagerly share with their clients.

What are the specific services you offer?

Of course, you need to be sure the medical billing service you hire suits the unique needs of your practice.

For example, RevStream works closely with doctors who treat Department of Labor (DOL) injured employees.

We work with a variety of practices and medical professionals, including:

  • Applied Behavior Analysis Therapists
  • Chiropractic Care Providers
  • Orthopedic Providers
  • Pain Management Providers
  • Physical Therapists
  • Primary Care Providers

What can I expect from the onboarding process?

If you’ve been handling medical billing on your own, the onboarding process can be challenging when you hire a medical billing service. That being said, your efforts will pay off in a big way! Further, when you choose an experienced RCM company, you can be sure they’ll make this process as simple and straightforward for your practice as possible. 

Once you sign up for RCM services from RevStream, we assign a dedicated account manager to your practice. Your account manager will be there for you to properly ensure the setup of your account, including throughout the onboarding process.

What can I expect once my practice is signed up?

Once the onboarding process is complete, we’re still there for you every step of the way. For starters, you will receive monthly financials and reporting for your practice. Additionally, your account manager will be available to help you with your account or answer any questions you may have along the way. We are always here to help you when questions come up and to offer the support you need for an effective and successful revenue cycle. 

Do you have medical billing service references?

Before deciding on a specific medical billing service, we encourage you to contact some of their past/current customers to hear from them too. It’s one thing to hear directly from the service provider themselves—but hearing from their customers can tell you a lot about the company.

So, be sure to ask for references you can contact and follow through on reaching out to them. If a service provider is unwilling to offer up these references, consider that a red flag.

Do You Have More Medical Billing Service Questions?

RevStream Services is here to help. We would love to answer any questions you have, walk you through our process in greater detail, or offer support on how your practice needs it. Click here to schedule a call with one of our team members.