As a provider who works with DOL patients, an understanding of FECA is incredibly important. This is a topic that many of our clients have questions about, so today we’re going to answer questions like:

  • What is FECA?
  • What types of providers can enroll?
  • How can RevStream help?

What is FECA?

The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act or FECA:

“Provides workers’ compensation coverage to approximately 2.6 million federal and postal workers around the world for employment-related injuries and occupational diseases. The Federal Employees’ Compensation Program adjudicates new claims for benefits and manages ongoing cases; pays medical expenses and compensation benefits to injured workers and survivors; and helps injured workers return to work when they are medically able to do so.”

With this coverage, federal civilian employees can receive compensation for medical expenses related to workplace injuries and disease. 

What types of providers can enroll?

With this definition in mind, it’s no wonder so many providers who work with DOL patients are curious about FECA!

In the procedure manual from the Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC), they define the term physician in relation to who can enroll for the program to include “surgeons, podiatrists, dentists, clinical psychologists, optometrists, osteopathic practitioners, and chiropractors within the scope of their practice as defined by state law.”

However, it’s important to note there are more specific guidelines for each of these practitioners and whether they qualify.


For example, “the OWCP has accepted the American Psychological Association’s definition of a clinical psychologist as an individual who:

(1) Is licensed or certified as a psychologist at the independent practice level of psychology by the state in which he or she practices, and

(2) Either possesses a doctoral degree in psychology from an educational institution accredited by an organization recognized by the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation or is listed in a national register of health service providers in psychology which the Secretary of the Department of Labor deems appropriate, and

(3) Possesses two years of supervised experience in health service, at least one year of which is post degree.”

What type of benefits does FECA provide?

This important program provides a number of benefits for federal employees, including:

  • Medical Care: This includes surgery and hospitalization as well as appliances and supplies.
  • Disability Benefits: Including compensation for lost wages resulting from the employment-related injury, disease, or illness.(1) 
  • Total Disability: This applies when the employee is medically unable to perform gainful employment due to employment-related injury, disease or illness.
  • Partial Disability. These benefits apply when the employee is “not totally disabled but is capable of performing duties which are compatible with the medically imposed work limitations resulting from the injury, disease, or illness.”
  • Schedule Award: Employees may receive compensation for permanent impairment of certain members or functions of the body regardless of their ability to work. This is payable once the condition has reached maximum medical improvement.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Death Benefits 
  • Miscellaneous Benefits: This can include things like transportation costs incurred in obtaining medical treatment or rehabilitation services, as well as nursing and other paramedical services.

How can RevStream help?

Now you know a lot more about FECA! But you might still have one big question: How can RevStream help? 

Implementing a DOL-OWCP Federal Workers’ Compensation program can be one of the biggest challenges you face at your clinic. To ensure the success of your practice, no detail of your revenue cycle can be overlooked…including enrolling for FECA. 

RevStream’s comprehensive services are here to help ensure your practice can treat DOL injured employees with a simplified and streamlined billing and collections process. Does that sound like exactly what you’ve been looking for? Get in touch today! The team at RevStream is eager to help you learn more about FECA and answer any other questions you might have.

Contact us today.